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  • janicenorie

Bach Flower Remedies

"Flooding the personality with the virtues of flowers" - Dr Edward Bach

Dr Bach lived from 1986-1936, he believed in treating the whole person rather than the disease. He discovered 38 remedies within nature that are powerful yet gentle vibrational healing tools to help us resolve emotional imbalances and let the light within us shine brightly.

A medical doctor, bacteriologist and a homeopath who truly believed that each one of us comes into life with the intention of experiencing and expressing our full potential. After being given 3 months to live he outlived this prognosis by 20 years and left behind his wealth of experience with a system of natural medicine that is used all over the world. The knowledge of his 38 remedies and also 'Rescue Remedy' which I think most of us have heard of or taken. This was my 'go to' when I was sitting exams in my study days.

Flower essences are only made from the actual flowers as they are the part of the plant that has the highest energetic vibration, you can feel this positivity just being around them, admiring their beauty and aroma gives you a positive 'feel good' emotion. Their scents, colours and textures help to bring a feeling of peace and serenity that we can sense and feel if we take the time to stop. The lower vibration of our human body rises to the higher, gentler one of the flower when we're around them or take essence drops. The emotional shift is different with everyone as we're all individuals and have our own experiences, I've found the shift to be very subtle for me but also very positive as I feel emotionally lighter, calmer and sleep better as overwhelm eased and I felt myself feeling more balanced.

Bach flowers originate in England but native flower essences are used all over the world, each flower having its own unique blueprint. This has been practiced for thousands of years by shamans and indigenous people who were connected to the environment and captured the energetic properties in their ancient infusions.

I've been working daily with beautiful native flower essences from Byron Shire, NSW and also Bach flower essences for almost a year and am loving the experience of these gifts from nature.

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